Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Infographic Debate Project

Since Garth Stein's The Art of Racing in the Rain has a unique narrative perspective from the limited point of view of Enzo, the family dog, I thought it would be interesting to present on a specific debatable topic from only one side of the argument.

For this project, pairs of students are picking their own topics to research and deciding who will present each side of the argument. Since this is a class in contemporary reading and writing, their findings and presentations will be in the form of an infographic, a fun new way to present ideas with facts and research in a more visual representation.

To help students create their own infographic, I have made an infographic on how to make an infographic! I created a free account on, and it's super easy to pick a template, manipulate text and images, and save or share. Check out my "how to" infographic below!

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