Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Literacy Project Examples for 2017 Students

Today, I am assigning the literacy program project. This project's goal is to help inspire reading, either through a poster campaign, a twitter campaign, or a video commercial. However, before students can begin their projects, they must write a proposal and get them approved, just like in a real job.

The proposals should answer questions like:
  • Video commercial: Why have you chosen this option for yourself? Why is this a good way to reach the students? What will the video be of? What will happen? What will it look like? What type of information will it include? Are there characters? Will there be text? Do you have a special plan for colors? For sounds? For editing techniques? How and where will this video be seen?
  •  Poster campaign: Why have you chosen this option for yourself? Why is this a good way to reach the students? What will your posters look like? Will they all be the same or will it be a series of posters? What information will the posters include? Will it have images? Text? How many posters will be made? Where will they be posted? Will they all appear at the same time?
  • Twitter campaign: Why have you chosen this option for yourself? Why is this a good way to reach the students? How many tweets will there be? What will the tweets say? Will there be a hash tag (and what will it be and why)? Will there be any links to images, websites or videos? Why those sources? When will these tweets be posted and why at those days and times?
Here are some examples of finished projects and their owner's proposals. Not every student got 100%, but it might be helpful to get you started.

RYAN: Poster Campaign
Ryan's Proposal: Click Here

ALEX: Twitter Campaign

Reading is cool! Retweet if you agree! Don't believe me? Take a look at some of these really life celebrities enjoying books! #ReadingIsCool
— Alex Toma (@alextoma1234) September 14, 2015

Alex's Proposal: Click Here

TEDDY: Video Commercial

Teddy's Proposal: Click Here

I can't wait to read all of this year's proposals on the student blogs on Thursday!

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