Sunday, October 11, 2015

Infographic Debate Project

This is my infographic for the debate project in Contemporary Literature. See a description and reflection below. [For more information on the actual assignment, check out this previous blog post.]

This infographic is a research presentation on the pro-life side of the debate on abortion. It displays reasons against abortion: the fetus is a human being, human beings have rights, pro-life is pro-women, and the changing views of abortion since the Roe v. Wade decision. Biology and science are prove that at the moment of conception, the fetus is a human being and alive. Because it is a human being, it has a right to life, which is believed by more than just religious groups. Abortion should not be the only option available for women to participate in society. There should be other options available instead of resulting to abortion. Finally, pro-lifers gave overgrown pro-choicers since 2009. Many are against the law that states abortion should be legal at all times because there are different stances on when abortion should be made illegal. While many try to use health reasons or rape to legitimize the argument for abortion, 92% are elective, meaning that they are not because of the previously mentioned reasons that get so much attention. These are the reasons to side with the pro-life side of the debate.

     Because there is an odd number of students in class, I offered to be Thomas's partner. Since Thomas was matched with the teacher, I let him have first dibs on the topic and side of the debate. He chose abortion as his topic and decided to debate the pro-choice side of the debate. I was a little nervous about this sensitive topic and displaying a side, even if it is one that I believe.
     It was hard to try and research this side of the debate while ignoring the other side of the argument. There are so many resources available for the pro-choice side, while the pro-life side did not have much representation on the Internet. I had to sift through the information to find the few sites available. Even when I did find some resources, I had to sift through even more to find the ones that used logic and research instead of only emotion and religion. I needed to find resources that were convincing to the widest audience possible. I think I did a decent job finding the proper information even if it was difficult to find.
     I decided to use a pleasant color scheme to make it a positive-feeling image. I used images and icons of happy people to help convince the audience that this was the agreeable side of the argument and remind the audience that the debate is about human life. I organized the infographic into sections with headers to help make the reader understand my main argument better while including more explanation and facts below to really prove my side of the debate. Some of the facts were given in percentages so I turned those into charts and stickers in order to call more attention to these numbers instead of just reading more boring text. My hope was to have a clean presentation that calls attention to the main facts while providing more details to the curious reader to continue their exploration of the topic. If not, they can easily jump to the next section.
     I think my infographic is effective at convincing the audience towards this idea. I would have liked to include some more information, but I didn't want to be too wordy or to lose my audience with the shear amount of reading that would be required. I would have liked some type of conclusion section to wrap everything up, but there was no room. Since I am limited for space and time, I think this version of the argument is the best option. It clearly states the main argument and is easily persuasive.