Thursday, December 21, 2017

2017 Reflection

With another semester ends another Contemporary Literature course. This year, I've really enjoyed our seven person book club. This group of juniors and seniors is definitely up there for being one of the most excited and energetic book clubs when discussing their reading. I loved hearing their predictions and getting their reactions to any major twists or big reveals. Even though there have been way more super hero conversations than normal (mostly The Flash), it's been a blast. I'm so proud of the work this class has created. Just to show off, I've decided to write this post and share some of it.

2017 Contemporary Literature TED Talk Playlist
If you don't want to watch all of their end of the year projects, check out the individual links below:

The Daily Reading Minutes this year have been enlightening, but there's just too many to represent here. Something that I have also loved immensely, though, is our Friday ritual: "This I Believe." It's been amazing to have each student write, record, and share a personal belief each Friday of the semester. Here's a collection of this semester's beliefs:
And this doesn't even include the literacy projects or the infographics! And, of course, class wouldn't be class without getting sidetracked with our amazing talks about life. But those I'll save just for us.

I'm going to miss this class next semester!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Science Fiction/Fantasy

In the past, this is usually when this class starts reading Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus. While it is an excellent fantasy novel, and one of the most beautifully written pieces of literature I've experienced, I decided to replace it this year to ensure that the course material stays contemporary. (If you have a chance, check out The Night Circus!)

This year, we will start reading Blake Crouch's science fiction novel Dark Matter. I really think the students are going to like it once they get into the world Crouch creates. In order to help prepare, I'm asking my students to reflect on the following questions.

  • Do you like to read fantasy or science fiction? Why or why not?
  • What fantasy or science location from a novel (or movie) is your favorite? Would you want to go there yourself? Why or why not?

I love to read fantasy. As a kid, I felt like reading was a great escape from everyday life. I appreciated the opportunity to leave the ordinary behind and experience life in someone else's shoes. It was even better if those shoes were worn by a hobbit trying to reclaim a mountain, a group of children getting lost in a wardrobe, or a neglected girl who discovers telekinetic abilities. If you're going to read and experience something new, why not make it amazing and extraordinary? Now, when I write, most of my ideas do involve some type of fantastical element because it lends more possibilities. Fantasy just has so much to offer! I've recently started to branch out into science fiction, which isn't all that different. It just uses advanced technology instead of magic. The worlds created are just as awesome.


For fantasy, I recently discovered Patrick Rothfuss's The Kingkiller Chronicles with The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. It follows the past adventures of Kvothe, a child orphaned after mystical (and thought non-existent) beings murder his family's acting troupe for discovering their secrets. He must struggle on his own in the harsh city before making his way to The University where he studies artificing (the making of "magical" objects) and naming (being able to control wind, fire, stone, etc., by attempting to discover the lost language of names). Every adventure in this vast world that Kvothe lives in helps build up his skills and knowledge to become a successful student, musician, and hero. However, there is also a story line in Kvothe's present where he is a run-down innkeeper unable to perform magic any more. Readers are left wondering how the great and legendary hero that everyone knows has gone into hiding in secret as an innkeeper. I'm eager for more, but unfortunately Rothfuss writes these epics at George R.R. Martin pace - that is, super slowly. If I could attend The University, then I'd definitely want to live there.


For science fiction, I'm going to use a film based on a graphic novel, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. In the future, the International Space Station has grown to epic proportions as more and more planets and lifeforms are discovered. It'd be nice to see all of these different worlds living in peace, and it'd definitely be cool experience them all in the same place with their awesome advanced technology.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Place Your Votes! (Infographic Debate Project)

[UPDATED 10/4/2017] The results are in! Check them out below.

Now that the infographics have been made, it's time to pick a winner for each debate!

Check out these debates below, review their arguments, and vote for the winner by commenting on the blog of your choice. (Example: "This one is the winner", or "I choose this one for my vote", etc.)

Should college athletes be paid?
Yes - John
No - Ali
Click on their names to view their blog posts and infographics.


Should children be given participation trophies?
Yes - Alex
No - Noah
Click on their names to view their blog posts and infographics.


Is video gaming a sport?
Yes - Kyle
No - Jack
Click on their names to view their blog posts and infographics.


Are schools designed more for girls than for boys?
Yes - Mr. Davidson
No - Peter
Click on their names to view their blog posts and infographics.

WINNER: Mr. Davidson

Happy learning and happy voting!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Infographic Debate Project 2017

This is my infographic for the debate project in Contemporary Literature. See a description and reflection below.

This infographic is a research presentation to prove that schools are designed more for girls than they are for boys. It starts by describing the differences in performance between boys and girls in school, such as testing, grade retention, special education, and college enrollment. Boys and girls are fundamentally different in how they learn based on biological preferences. If these differences are not reflected in the classroom setting, then school can be said to be designed more for one sex than the other. Proof of these elements can be seen in reading rates, homework completion, treatment/encouragement, and perception (both from student to school and teacher to student). There are many other reasons that boys might be having a hard time, but one thing is clear - schools are designed more for girls than for boys.

Because there is an odd number of students in this year's class, Peter and I teamed up for this project. I let Peter choose this topic and his position. I am glad that I received this point of view for the debate because it is a subject that I feel passionately about. I have done a lot of research in this topic in graduation school and for public speaking at conferences, so I probably have an unfair advantage in this debate.

It was not hard to research this side of the topic since so many sources seem to agree that there is an apparent problem with boys and education. However, there are not many that agree as to the cause of this gender gap between male and female students. For as many articles that are out there, there are as many reasons. It was difficult to limit myself to the important elements for this debate. While reading is one main cause of the difference in performance, I felt the need to go deeper into this topic. However, I felt that those details about reading would not help the overall debate. I needed to spread a wider net than just the area I am most passionate about. It was difficult to find valuable information for my one side of the argument when a lot of online sources called more for equal opportunities than for focusing on the struggling male students specifically.

I wanted to make my infographic pleasing to look at but also informative. At first, I had thought about a pink verses blue theme, but that was too cliche. Instead, I went for the neutral green. I wanted to have at least one picture for every fact to help make the information memorable. I even used some pictures to create my own "charts", like when I had four male students and two female students to show the ratio that two-thirds of Special Education students are male. I did not have much in the way of percentages, so I needed more situational images to match my main arguments. Instead of only focusing on the cartoon images, I decided to take some images from online as well to make the argument more relatable to viewers. The hardest part was finding a format that would allow the infographic to be viewable online in my blog post. The images I inserted were way too small to read due to the size of the text font I chose. Instead, I resorted to "sharing" the infographic straight from and playing around with the pixel width size to make the embedding code just right for the post.

I think my infographic is successful at proving my side of the debate. I do think it might be too long or too wordy for this assignment, though - especially with my addition of a conclusion. Infographics are meant to be nice and quick, but mine might actually be too much overall. I hope viewers don't take one look at it and instantly vote for my opponent. I have some good information here is viewers choose to give it some time. If so, then I think my infographic is persuasive enough to win this debate.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Narrators - 2017

Today, I am asking my students to reflect on their favorite narration to help prepare for when we start to read Garth Stein's The Art of Racing in the Rain this weekend. It's a great family story, but it is unique in the sense that it is told from the point of view of the family dog. Their favorite narrator can be a first person narrator that is a character in the novel, or it can just be a novel whose third person perspective is unique or clever.

1. Who is your favorite narrator? What is your favorite narration?
2. Tell readers about the novel and the narration.
3. Why is this your favorite? Why might others appreciate it as well?

One of my favorite narrators is Christopher Francis Boone from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. Christopher is an autistic 15-year-old boy living in Swindon (England) with his father. The novel starts with Christopher discovering the dead dog of his neighbor. Being unable to properly communicate with the police at the scene, Christopher becomes a suspect, which is made worse when he is arrested for assaulting one of the officers. No one really understands him except for his father, and maybe the readers. Christopher sets out to solve the mystery of the dead dog, uncovering secrets of the neighborhood and his past as he does.

I really enjoy Christopher's narration because to the best of my knowledge Mark Haddon has perfectly captured the inner mind of an individual with autism. I was fascinated to see his thinking, from counting the colors of cars to his intense reactions to lights and sounds. Getting into the head of this character makes you empathize with him, and you feel even more proud of the obstacles Christopher overcomes that may seem like nothing to you or me. Christopher is truly an original gem that readers will enjoy.

This novel was turned into a play that premiered in England in 2012 and made its way to Broadway in 2014, where it won the 2015 Tony Award for Best Play and the actor playing Christopher won for Best Actor as well. Last year, I was able to see a performance in Detroit while it was on tour. The play was simply fantastic. If you think a novel getting into the head of an autistic teenager is cool, just wait until you see how it happens on stage.

To read about my previously selected narrators, click the images.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Book Reviews (Repeat)

[Full Disclosure: This is a repeat post from the previous school year.]

Having finished reading their first novel of the semester for this course, it is now time for the students to write their first book review. The students will review Robin Sloan's Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. Each book review will start with a summary, include two parts of the novel to evaluate (not just analyze - evaluate), and finally give their overall recommendation. The evaluation part seems to be the hardest for my students because they are not used to using stuff like theme and characterization to express their opinion, only literary analysis. To help, I created one body paragraph that might serve as an example for my students. (FYI: I do not agree with this evaluation, but I thought it would be fun to branch outside of my comfort zone.)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone suffers because of its negative theme for children. When tracking down a rogue professor who means to steal a magical item that promises eternal life, the main characters Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger follow him down a trapdoor. This path leads them to a series of challenges that guard the stone. The first task is a strangling plant known as the Devil’s Snare. Harry and Ron are trapped, but Hermione is free to help. She remembers that this plant hates light, but she does not have the resources to start a fire. Ron shouts, “ARE YOU MAD? ... ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?”(278). Hermione remembers she has a magic wand, makes some fire and saves the day. The lesson here, obviously, is that no one needs hard work because magic will always be there to save the day. This is a horrible lesson to teach the youth of America because it will only create a generation of lazy individuals who wait around for a Hogwarts letter instead of actually trying in school and getting into a good college. Humans need to face their problems head on in this life, and thinking that there is a magical resource to come and save you is dangerous. Humans need to be in control of their own life and do what it takes to achieve goals in the real world. The unrealistic message of this book to its readers makes it a poor choice.

I used theme as one of my main topics to evaluate this novel. Yes, I had to analyze the theme and say what the author's main message was, but I continued to use that as an evaluation tool for whether the book is good or bad. This extra step is crucial in writing a book review. For more information, please check out the directions on Moodle and the grading rubric included in the directions.

[New Resources]

1. Good Book Review explanation
2. Bad Book Review explanation
3. Sample student book review on The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (36.5/40)

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Unmade Beds

Audio recording and upload >>

At 5:00 AM, my phone buzzes, and it won’t stop. I’ve already hit the snooze option three to four times now (as planned in advance), so it really is time for me to wake up and turn it off. I find my way to the bathroom in the dark, steps I’ve made so many times I don’t need the light switch any more. I turn on the wireless speakers for my Pandora station and begin the routine. By no later than 6:00 AM, the teeth are brushed, my hair is styled, today’s shirt is ironed, a matching tie is knotted, the lunchbox is packed, and I’m out the door. However, there is one thing you won’t find in my routine, to the horror of all mothers around the world, mine included. This morning, I did not make my bed.

My bed only gets made each time the sheets are washed, and my sheets are only washed when I remember that’s something an adult is supposed to do on a regular basis. On a normal day such as this, the bed remains unmade. It was left unmade yesterday, and I bet it will stay unmade tomorrow. I believe this is how it should be.

Reason 1: Ain’t nobody got time for that! In a day full of mind-numbing tasks, why should I add one more? Why should precious minutes be spent smoothing sheets, layering comforters, or fluffing pillows? All you’re going to do is unmake the thing in less than 24 hours anyway. Time is precious! Of all the chores in the world, making the bed is hardly as useful as taking out the trash, watering the plant, or bringing in the mail. But let’s be real, I’m actually taking that extra moment in my day to read an extra page or chapter, justify one more episode on Netflix. Why not? I deserve it. And at night? After a long day of activities when I crawl up to my bedroom, I want to slide right into that cozy, Alex-shaped bed sheet cocoon. Making the bed in the morning would only delay the sweet prize I’ve rightly earned for making it through the day: sleep. I will let nothing stand in my way, not even a duvet cover.

Reason 2: My bed is a symbol. It is an uprising against the idea that everything in life must always be perfect 100% of the time. This is a valuable reminder I seldom take to heart. In a world of teaching, I perform for an audience of 100+ students who are eager to notice the new pimple on my nose, the rare crack in my voice during lecture, or the frequency of which I wear any given shirt/tie combination. I know I shouldn’t care as much, but I do. The worksheets must be completely free of errors. Any jokes must be perfectly timed. The piles of paper must be at precise right angles on my desk. Earlier this week, I went up and down the stairs three times, googled a handful of online articles, and changed my clothes twice because I couldn’t figure out whether the brown or the black dress shoes were more proper for my navy pants. I shouldn’t care this much about perfection or appearance, but the reality is that I do. And then I look at my bed. My bed doesn’t worry about crisp hospital corners or if it can bounce a quarter off itself. It’s a safe place. A place that says, “Come and relax.” A place that says, “Let it all go.” A place that says, “See, I’m messy, too, and that’s okay.”

So, no, I did not make my bed this morning, and I do not have plans to make my bed tomorrow. Unmade beds are a thing of beauty, and I believe in them.

This post was recorded using You can also listen to it by clicking here.


For more Mr. Davidson examples of "This I Believe" essays, check out some of my favorite previous blog posts for this assignment:

1. Millennials, a post in which I come to terms with my Generation Y being absorbed into the Millennial generation of my students
2. The Power of Being There, a post in which I decide how to best support my students, motivated by an attempt help my students cope with the loss of a classmate
3. Choosing Awesome, a post in which I decide to spend more time focusing on the positive

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Literacy Project Examples for 2017 Students

Today, I am assigning the literacy program project. This project's goal is to help inspire reading, either through a poster campaign, a twitter campaign, or a video commercial. However, before students can begin their projects, they must write a proposal and get them approved, just like in a real job.

The proposals should answer questions like:
  • Video commercial: Why have you chosen this option for yourself? Why is this a good way to reach the students? What will the video be of? What will happen? What will it look like? What type of information will it include? Are there characters? Will there be text? Do you have a special plan for colors? For sounds? For editing techniques? How and where will this video be seen?
  •  Poster campaign: Why have you chosen this option for yourself? Why is this a good way to reach the students? What will your posters look like? Will they all be the same or will it be a series of posters? What information will the posters include? Will it have images? Text? How many posters will be made? Where will they be posted? Will they all appear at the same time?
  • Twitter campaign: Why have you chosen this option for yourself? Why is this a good way to reach the students? How many tweets will there be? What will the tweets say? Will there be a hash tag (and what will it be and why)? Will there be any links to images, websites or videos? Why those sources? When will these tweets be posted and why at those days and times?
Here are some examples of finished projects and their owner's proposals. Not every student got 100%, but it might be helpful to get you started.

RYAN: Poster Campaign
Ryan's Proposal: Click Here

ALEX: Twitter Campaign

Reading is cool! Retweet if you agree! Don't believe me? Take a look at some of these really life celebrities enjoying books! #ReadingIsCool
— Alex Toma (@alextoma1234) September 14, 2015

Alex's Proposal: Click Here

TEDDY: Video Commercial

Teddy's Proposal: Click Here

I can't wait to read all of this year's proposals on the student blogs on Thursday!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Third Time's The Charm

I am excited to be teaching my third ever semester of the Contemporary Literature elective here at U of D Jesuit High School for the 2017-2018 academic school year. To start off the first unit on Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore (Robin Sloane), I am asking my students to reflect on the following questions below. It's only fair that I answer them, too, right?

1. What have your previous experiences with English classes been like?
2. Do you like to read? Why or why not?
3. What do you hope to get out of this Contemporary Literature class?

I always loved my English classes. Surprise, right? My favorite part was reading books that I enjoyed and getting to discuss them with others. Of course, there were times that I did not always enjoy the books being assigned. I'll admit that some classes, even in college, had required reading that I only pretended to read. And boy was I good at it. Yet, there were other classes in college that I got to choose, and those books were amazing. I chose a Modernism course simple because it had my favorite novel on the syllabus (Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises). I also even got to take a course all about fantasy. What I love about English classes is when you find just the right book for the right students and it creates a type of connection because of the shared reading experience. I believe the titles in this Contemporary Literature course will have the same effect (I hope).

I love to read. My first memories of enjoying reading are with my mother. During time off from school, she would take my sisters and I to libraries for us to pick out books based on their colorful covers. She would also pick out some and read them to us when we got home. We actually couldn't wait to sit and listen to her tell these stories. I remember my favorite being Matilda by Roald Dahl. And what a great book to get started in a love of reading! “So Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone.” We definitely grew closer as a family huddled around that living room chair waiting for adventure after adventure.

I hope to have another successful semester here in Contemporary Literature. We have a smaller class, which is great because everyone gets to participate and share their thoughts. I run the class like an intimate book club, so we usually tend to get close as a group in this class. Mix in some fun projects and a possible field trip, and you have yourself a bonded class of students. I'm also hoping to expose students to some great works of literature that they will enjoy. And just maybe there might be a soul in the classroom who has given up on literature that I can inspire to keep reading for fun in his spare time or after high school. That's the dream.

Mr. Davidson's 2017 Summer Reading: